Name: Glyoxal
CAS No.: 107-22-2
EINECS No.: 203-474-9
Molecular Formula: C2H2O2
Chemical Structure:image.png
Formula Weight: 58.04
Assay: 40% min
Glyoxal can form acetals with compounds containing hydroxyl groups. It is mainly used as raw materials for glyoxylic acid, M2D resin, imidazole and other products, as well as insoluble adhesives for gelatin, animal glue, cheese, polyvinyl alcohol and starch, and shrinkage inhibitors for rayon.
1) In medicine, it is mainly used for special cycloimidazole drugs, such as metronidazole, dimethylnitroimidazole, imidazole, etc;
2) In terms of intermediates, it is mainly used as glyoxylic acid, D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine, allantoin, phenylpharyngeal enzyme, berberine, etc;
3) In light textile, it is mainly used as garment finishing agent, 2D resin, M2D resin, etc;
4) In the paper industry, it is mainly used as sizing agent to increase the moisture resistance of paper; It is a very effective crosslinking factor in polymer chemistry and can be used as crosslinking agent;
5) In the construction industry, it can be used as the curing agent of cement to improve the setting strength and control landslides, which can prevent soil loss and collapse.
Packaging and Shipping:
plasticdrum, 250kg
ISO-TANK , 20-22tons
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place
Recommended storage temperature: 2 – 8 °C
Phone: +8618054446606
Add: 7th Floor, Building 1, Century Center of Excellence, Qingdao, Shandong, China.
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